

Capital Markets



Introducing the Market to Ford+.

Ford CEO Jim Farley on stage
Ford CEO Jim Farley on stage

In its first Capital Markets Day since 2016, Ford created an experience to show – not tell – Ford’s modern story as a purpose driven, customer centered global leader in mobility.  Produced to deliver the energy of an IPO, Ford curated the event to focus on what investors and analysts cared about: A clear demonstration of Ford’s investment thesis, growth and profitability drivers and its competitive advantages in the marketplace.


Capital Markets Day 2021 introduced investors and media to the next transformation of Ford’s business and the company’s plan to lead the revolution in electrification, connected consumer and commercial vehicles, services, and always-on customer experience, called Ford+. Ford built epic, but intimate, AR sets for its C-suite to bring the show to life, producing content segments on 17 locations across 6 countries took analysts and media on an around-the-world journey to meet the diverse, world-class teams of engineers, machinists, UX designers, and software, systems and data experts at the center of Ford’s plan.

Visit Ford’s Investor Relations site for the full presentation.

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